Soulful Ponderings
Thoughts of a wandering man with a wondering mind.
Loneliness is a terrible thing. As a way to cope with my loneliness I have decided to write the thoughts that come to mind from time to time. In doing this I feel less lonely.

Regrets and Unfinished Business: Embracing New Milestones After 55
Life is a journey filled with moments of joy, sorrow, and countless opportunities. As we reach the age of 55 and beyond, it's natural to reflect on the path we've traveled and contemplate the roads not taken. Regrets and unfinished business may weigh heavily on our...

The Hidden Struggles and Rewards of Pursuing a New Career Abroad
Introduction Embarking on a new career path can be both exciting and challenging. For some, the desire to explore a different culture and overcome personal barriers leads them to pursue work opportunities in foreign lands. This was the case for me when I made the...
Taming the Food Beast: A brief Light-hearted Journey to Healthy Eating Habits
Introduction Picture this: you're standing in front of a fridge, staring longingly at the last slice of chocolate cake. You know you should resist, but that fluffy, gooey goodness is calling your name. Your mental calorie App does a quick calculation as to how many...
The Power of Small Hinges: Recognizing and Expressing Gratitude for Life’s Impactful Individuals
Introduction: In life, it's often said that "big doors move on small hinges." These small hinges represent the impactful (yet often unaware) individuals who play influential roles in shaping our life journey. From parents and teachers to mentors and supporters, these...
Why has flying become such a dramatic experience?
Why has flying become such a dramatic experience? Is it because of our addiction to social media, where videos and memes about airplane mishaps flood our feeds? It seems that we've become a world of complainers, forgetting the art of gratitude and appreciation for the...
Need to talk.
Sometimes we just need to speak to someone.
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